
Inward Remittance in India: Guidelines, Taxation, and Documentation Explained

A complete guide on inward remittance in India.
min read
February 3, 2024

Content overview :

1. What is the meaning of Inward Remittance? 

2. Example of Inward Remittance

3. Impact of Inward Remittance on the Economy

4. What are Purpose Codes in Inward Remittance?

5. List of Purpose Codes in Inward Remittance 

6. RBI Guidelines on Foreign Inward Remittance 

7. What is the Process of Inward Remittance?

8. What is the Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC)?

9. Importance of FIRC

10. What Does FIRC Contain?

11. How to Obtain FIRC?

12. FEMA’s Perspective on Inward Remittance 

13. Documents Required for Inward Remittance 

14. Tax Implications for Inward Remittance 

15. Conclusion

16. Vance plug 

17. FAQs

In our globalized world, money often travels across borders (remittances). Inward remittances specifically refer to funds sent to a country. India, a major recipient according to the World Bank, relies on these inflows from Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and others abroad.

This guide explores how they work, the rules, and their importance for India's economy. We will cover key aspects like the purpose of remittance, inward remittance documents required, and the tax on foreign remittances to India.

Additionally, we will delve into the tax rate on foreign remittance, income tax rules for money transfer, and the FEMA rules for money transfer.

What is The Meaning of Inward Remittance?

In the realm of international finance and banking, the term 'remittance' often pops up. At its core, remittance refers to a sum of money sent or transferred from one party to another, typically across international borders. When we prefix it with 'inward', it narrows down the direction of this money flow.

Inward remittance, in simple terms, is the transfer of money into a country from abroad. It's the opposite of outward remittance, where funds are sent from a country to an overseas destination.

Example of Inward Remittance

To illustrate this with an example, let's consider Raj, a software engineer from Chennai. A few years ago, Raj moved to Germany for a lucrative job opportunity. Every month, after setting aside his expenses and savings, he sends some of his earnings back to his family in India.

This money, which helps his family maintain their lifestyle, pay for his younger sister's education, and even invest in some assets, is an inward remittance for India.

Impact of Inward Remittance on the Economy

Why is this concept of inward remittance so significant? Inward remittances play a crucial role in a country's economy. For countries like India, which has a vast diaspora spread across the globe, these remittances can amount to billions of dollars annually, contributing to foreign exchange reserves and often surpassing foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows.

Here are some of the key ways in which inward remittances can influence an economy:

  1. Foreign Exchange Inflows: Remittances increase foreign exchange supply, stabilising the exchange rate and strengthening the currency.
  2. Economic Stability and Growth: Remittances serve as a stable income source, enhancing financial resilience during economic downturns and stimulating economic growth by boosting household income and consumption.
  3.  Social Impacts:  As a crucial income source for families in developing countries, remittances fund basic needs, reducing poverty, improve living standards, and enhance social welfare outcomes.
  4. Investment and Entrepreneurship: Investment in businesses or real estate from remittances create jobs and spur long-term economic development.
  5. Reduced Dependence on Aid: Inward remittances can provide a sustainable income source, reducing dependence on foreign aid.

What are Purpose Codes in Inward Remittance?

Clarity and precision are paramount in international financial transactions, where 'Purpose Codes' play a crucial role, particularly for inward remittances.

These specific codes, assigned to various foreign exchange transactions, help regulatory authorities, especially central banks, understand the nature and purpose of incoming foreign funds.

List of Purpose Codes in Inward Remittance

Some of the examples of the purpose Codes in Inward Remittance:


Let's delve into an example to grasp this better. Imagine Meena, a freelance graphic designer based in Mumbai. She recently completed a project for a client in London and is now expecting her payment. When her client initiates the transfer, they would need to specify a purpose code that best describes the nature of this transaction. In Meena's case, the code might be related to 'Payment for Professional Services'. This ensures that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) can quickly identify the reason for this foreign income.‍

RBI Guidelines on Foreign Inward Remittance

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), as the central banking institution of the country, plays a pivotal role in framing guidelines and regulations related to foreign exchange transactions. When it comes to foreign inward remittances, the RBI has set clear guidelines to ensure transparency, prevent money laundering, and maintain the economic stability of the country.

  • Authorised Dealers and Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS): Only banks that have been authorised by the RBI can conduct foreign exchange transactions. Additionally, for personal remittances, the RBI has introduced the Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS), where recognized agents can facilitate inward personal remittances.
  • Purpose of Remittance: Every inward remittance transaction requires a specific purpose code, as discussed earlier. This code helps the RBI monitor the nature of foreign funds entering the country.
  • Limit on Personal Remittances: Under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS), an individual can remit up to USD 250,000 per financial year for specific purposes, including maintenance of close relatives, travel, or education. However, there's no cap on the amount of money one can receive as an inward remittance.
  • Tax Deduction at Source (TDS): While there's no tax on the amount received as remittance, any income generated from that amount (like interest from deposits) is taxable. Banks might deduct TDS on such income.
  • Reporting Mechanism: Banks are required to submit monthly returns to the RBI on the amount of remittances received. This helps the RBI in its economic analysis and policy formulation.
  • KYC Norms: To prevent money laundering, banks follow stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) norms. Any individual receiving a remittance must have a KYC-compliant account.
  • FEMA Guidelines: The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) governs all foreign exchange-related transactions in India. Inward remittances must comply with FEMA guidelines, ensuring they do not violate foreign exchange rules.‍

What is the Process of Inward Remittance?

The inward remittance process involves two main participants: the sender and the receiver.

1. The Sender (or The Remitter)

The sender could be an investor, a domestic project client, or any individual who wishes to transfer funds to India. The sender transmits the money to an Indian bank. To transfer money to India, the sender needs to provide the following fundamental details to the bank:

  • Sender’s name and address
  • Information about the bank branch
  • The bank's nationality
  • Bank account number, and
  • Bank's SWIFT code

2. The Receiver (or the Remittee)

The receiver, or the individual receiving the money, is required to provide certain information to their bank, which includes:

  • The transaction agreement
  • Details of the remittance, including the sender’s details and the amount in foreign currency
  • The invoice
  • The purpose of the transaction

Moreover, the receiver must obtain a Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC) as evidence of the transfer of funds from a foreign country to India. In simpler terms, if you are in India and you receive a payment in foreign currency, the FIRC document serves as proof of this transfer. Getting this certificate approved is vital to receive the foreign payment.


What is the Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC)?

The Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC) is a crucial document in the Indian financial landscape, especially for businesses and individuals receiving payments from outside India. It serves as a testament to all inward remittances entering the country.

By definition, the FIRC is a document that banks provide as a proof of inward remittance. It confirms the receipt of funds from foreign countries to an Indian bank account. Whether you're a freelancer receiving payment for services or a parent getting funds from a child studying abroad, the FIRC acts as evidence of such transactions.

Importance of FIRC

  • Proof of Income: For businesses and freelancers, the FIRC serves as evidence of income from foreign clients, which can be crucial during income tax assessments.
  • Refund Claims: Exporters can use FIRC to claim refunds on their exported goods or services.
  • Regulatory Compliance: It ensures that the received foreign income complies with the guidelines set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and other regulatory bodies.

What Does FIRC Contain?

An FIRC contains vital information, including:

  • Name and address of the remitter (sender of funds)
  • Name and address of the beneficiary (receiver)
  • Date of remittance
  • Amount received
  • Bank's name and branch
  • Purpose of remittance
  • Exchange rate applied

How to Obtain FIRC?

While procedures might vary slightly across banks, the general steps include:

  • Requesting the bank for FIRC post receiving the remittance.
  • Submitting necessary details of the transaction.
  • Paying a nominal fee, if applicable.

In conclusion, the FIRC is more than just a piece of paper. It's a testament to India's growing global economic interactions and a vital tool for regulatory and tax compliance. Whether you're a business owner, a freelancer, or someone with family abroad, understanding the FIRC can help streamline your financial dealings.

FEMA's Perspective on Inward Remittance

The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) is a pivotal piece of legislation that governs and manages the foreign exchange reserves of India. Instituted in 1999, FEMA plays a significant role in shaping the rules and regulations concerning foreign exchange, including inward remittances. Let's explore FEMA's viewpoint on inward remittance and understand FEMA rules for money transfer and its implications.

  • FEMA on Inward Remittance: FEMA has laid down comprehensive guidelines on how inward remittances should be handled, reported, and utilised. These guidelines ensure transparency, prevent money laundering, and maintain the economic stability of the country.
  • Authorised Dealers and Banks: FEMA mandates that all inward remittances must be processed through Authorised Dealers - typically banks that have been approved by the RBI to deal in foreign exchange. This ensures that all money entering the country is accounted for and taxed appropriately.
  • Purpose of Remittance: FEMA requires every inward remittance to have a specified purpose. This is where the Purpose Code comes into play, categorising the nature of the transaction, be it for family maintenance, freelance work, property sales, or gifts.
  • Repatriation and Utilisation: Funds received as inward remittances can be repatriated (sent back) without much hassle. However, there are guidelines on how these funds should be utilised, especially if they are investments.
  • Reporting Mechanism: To maintain transparency and keep a check on money laundering, FEMA requires timely reporting of large inward remittances. Banks and financial institutions are crucial in ensuring all transactions are above board.

FEMA's stance on inward remittance is clear – it seeks to promote foreign investments and remittances while ensuring that the economic fabric of the country remains stable. By understanding these guidelines, both senders and receivers can ensure a smooth, hassle-free transaction, fostering trust in India's financial systems.

Documents Required for Inward Remittance Processing

Let's delve into the essential documents required for processing inward remittances.

  • Beneficiary's Identification Proof: Every individual receiving an inward remittance must provide a valid identification proof. This could be a passport, PAN card, Voter's ID, or Aadhaar card.
  • Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC): The FIRC acts as a testimonial for all the inward remittances entering India. Banks provide this certificate, ensuring that the funds have been received in lieu of a specific purpose mentioned in the document.
  • KYC Documents: Know Your Customer (KYC) documents are essential to verify the identity of the beneficiary. This typically includes a photograph, proof of address, and proof of identity.
  • Invoice or Bill: In cases where the remittance is a result of a service or product, the invoice or bill related to that transaction must be presented. This provides clarity on the nature and purpose of the remittance.
  • Purpose Code: As mentioned earlier, every remittance must have a purpose. The purpose code, a standardised code set by the RBI, indicates the reason for the remittance, be it gifts, dividends, or service payments.
  • Bank Account Details: The beneficiary's bank account details, including the account number, bank name, branch, and IFSC code, are crucial for the seamless processing of the remittance.
  • Declaration Form: In some cases, especially for large amounts, a declaration form detailing the source of the funds and the purpose of remittance might be required.

The process of inward remittance, though straightforward, requires meticulous attention to documentation. Ensuring all the necessary documents are in place not only guarantees a smooth transaction but also ensures compliance with regulatory norms, fostering trust and transparency in international financial transactions.‍

Tax Implications on Inward Remittances to India

Inward remittances, the funds sent to India from abroad, have significantly contributed to the Indian economy. However, with these transactions come certain tax implications that both the sender and the receiver should be aware of. Let's delve into the tax nuances associated with inward remittances to India.

Gift Tax If an individual receives a remittance as a gift from a relative, it is exempt from tax. However, if the gift amount exceeds ₹50,000 and is not from a relative, the entire amount becomes taxable.
Income Tax Remittances received as income, maybe for services rendered or as a consultancy fee, are taxable as per the individual's tax slab.
No Double Taxation Thanks to the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and several countries, one doesn't have to pay tax twice on the same income. If an NRI has already paid tax in the country of his/her residence, they can avail tax relief in India.
Inheritance or Will Money received as an inheritance or from a will is not taxable. However, any income generated from the inherited amount, like interest from a deposited sum, is taxable.
No Tax on Principal Amount: If an NRI is repatriating his/her savings from a foreign country to India, the principal amount is not taxable. However, the interest earned on this amount in India will be taxable.
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) While inward remittances can be a boon, it's vital to know the associated tax implications. Proper knowledge and timely compliance can save one from unnecessary hassles and potential legal complications. Always consult with a tax advisor or expert when dealing with large sums to ensure you're on the right side of the law‍.

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Inward remittance is not just a financial transaction; it connects global Indians to their homeland. As India becomes more integrated with the global economy, the importance of remittances will only increase.

Understanding the tax on foreign remittance to India, foreign remittance tax, and income tax rules for money transfer is crucial. Questions like "Are remittances taxed?" and "What is disposal instruction for foreign inward remittance?" are common, and knowing the answers helps in navigating the process.

By being informed and making strategic decisions, it becomes easier to manage the complexities of the remittance landscape with confidence.

FAQs on Inward Remittance in India

Q1. What is inward remittance?

Inward remittance refers to the process of receiving money from foreign countries to India, typically sent by NRIs or foreign entities.

Q2. Is there a limit on the amount of inward remittance?

There is no upper limit on the amount of inward remittance to India.

Q3. How long does it take for an inward remittance to be processed?

Typically, it takes 1-5 working days, depending on the mode of transfer and the bank.

Q4. Are inward remittances taxable in India?

Inward remittances are generally not taxable. However, any income generated from the remitted amount, like interest, is taxable.

Q5. What is the purpose of the Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC)?

 FIRC acts as proof that an individual has received payment in foreign currency from outside the country.

Q6. Can I receive remittance in currencies other than INR?

No, all remittances are converted and credited in INR.

Q7. What are the RBI guidelines for inward remittance?

RBI has set guidelines to ensure smooth remittance flow and to prevent money laundering or other illicit activities.

Q8. What is the role of FEMA in inward remittance?

FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act) governs all foreign exchange transactions, including inward remittances.

Q9. How can I track my inward remittance?

Most banks and financial institutions offer online tracking systems for remittances.

Q10. What is the purpose code in inward remittance?

 It's a code that indicates the purpose or reason for the remittance.

Q11. Can I receive remittance for selling property abroad?

Yes, NRIs can remit funds from the sale of property; however, there are certain conditions to be met.

Q12. Are there charges for receiving inward remittance?

While there's no tax on the remittance itself, banks might charge a nominal fee for the currency conversion.

Q13. What happens if the remittance is sent to the wrong account?

It's crucial to provide accurate details. If sent to the wrong account, one needs to contact the sending bank immediately.

Q14. Can I receive remittance for services I provided abroad?

Yes, you can receive payment for services rendered abroad.

Q15. Is it mandatory to have an NRI account for inward remittance?

No, remittances can be credited to regular savings accounts as well.

Q16. What details are required for receiving inward remittance?

Typically, the sender's details, recipient's bank details, and purpose code are required.

Q17. Can I send back the money if the remittance was made by mistake?

Yes, but it's subject to certain conditions and might involve fees.

Q18. How are exchange rates determined for remittances?

Exchange rates are determined by the bank or financial institution processing the remittance and are based on current market rates.

Q19. Can I set a preferred exchange rate for my remittance?

Some banks offer the option to set a preferred rate, and the transaction is processed once that rate is achieved.

Q20. What should I do if I face issues with my remittance?

It's best to contact the bank or financial institution that processed the remittance for resolution.

Q21. What should one know about the tax implications and requirements for remittances to India?

Understanding the complexities of remittances in India is essential for both senders and receivers. One of the key aspects to consider is the tax on foreign remittance to India. Many people ask, "Are remittances taxed?" and it's important to know the tax rate on foreign remittance. For those dealing with inward transfer, it's crucial to understand the income tax rules for money transfer and the documents required for inward remittance. 

Q22. What are the requirements and important considerations for receiving foreign remittance under FEMA rules?

The receipt of foreign remittance must comply with the FEMA rules for money transfer, and it's vital to know what is inward payment and what is disposal instruction for foreign inward remittance. The purpose of remittance needs to be clearly stated to avoid complications. Inward remittance documents required include various forms of identification and transaction details. 

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Aayush is a strategic growth marketer with over 6 years of experience working in the US and European markets for various financial services companies. He has a proven track record of success in helping businesses grow, increase revenue, and improve marketing strategies.

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