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Investing in Government Securities Through NRO Accounts

Understanding the Nuances of NRO Investment in Govt Bonds
min read
February 3, 2024

Unlocking the Potential of Government Securities for NRO Account Holders

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) seeking stable investment avenues in their home country often turn to the robust and secure option of government securities. This comprehensive guide explores the investment potential in government securities through a Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account, which combines the benefits of risk-adjusted returns with the familiarity of investing within the Indian financial market. The nuances of such investments include understanding the types of securities available, the risk profile, and the steps involved in the investment process.

What are Government Securities?

Government securities are financial instruments issued by a government for funding its operations and development projects. They represent a debt obligation and are categorized mainly as treasury bills (short-term) and bonds or dated securities (long-term). Investing in these instruments is synonymous with lending money to the government in exchange for interest payments over the life of the security. For NRIs, these securities provide a safe option as they come with sovereign guarantees, eliminating the default risk commonly associated with corporate bonds. Furthermore, government securities are highly liquid in nature, allowing investors to sell them in the secondary market should there be a need for premature encashment.

The versatility of government securities is evident in their structures, offering fixed, floating, and inflation-indexed interest rates. This allows NRIs to choose an investment that best suits their financial goals, whether it's preserving capital or hedging against inflation. The Indian government also facilitates various programs and dedicated bonds to cater to the NRI population, such as NRI bonds, with the goal of attracting foreign investment and offering NRIs lucrative investment options.

Understanding NRO Accounts

An NRO account is a bank account in India that NRIs use to manage their income earned in India, such as rent, dividends, or pensions. The account can be held in the form of savings, current, recurring, or fixed deposits. While the principal amount in an NRO account is non-repatriable, the interest earned can be repatriated, subject to payment of applicable taxes. The account also comes with a nomination facility, which is an important aspect for NRIs in the context of estate planning.

Another striking feature is the taxation aspect of an NRO account; the income is subject to Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) in India. However, investors can benefit from Double Tax Avoidance Agreements (DTAA) between India and their country of residence, which may reduce the tax burden. Accurate knowledge of these accounts is crucial for NRIs before making investment decisions, especially when dealing with government securities, as the nuances of repatriation and tax implications vary considerably from other investment vehicles available in India.

Investing in Government Securities through an NRO Account

The process of investing in government securities through an NRO account starts with understanding the eligibility criteria set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Once the NRI investor has confirmed their eligibility, they can participate in the primary auctions of government bonds or trade in the secondary market. For primary market participation, investors must have a 'Constituent Subsidiary General Ledger' (CSGL) account or a demat account with an authorized bank or financial institution. The investor can then approach the primary dealers or banks to place bids for purchasing government securities.

In the secondary market, government securities can be bought and sold through the recognized stock exchanges in India. This involves setting up a trading account with a broker registered in India. Alternatively, NRIs can also invest indirectly via mutual funds that focus on government securities. No matter the investment route, complying with FEMA regulations is mandatory, and there might be requirements to inform the RBI about transactions exceeding a certain threshold. Though there may be entry barriers and regulatory hoops to jump through, the appeal of government securities for NRI investors lies in the combination of moderate returns and high security, a rarity in the volatile landscape of international investments.

The Regulatory Environment

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) plays a pivotal role in regulating the investment in government securities by NRIs. It sets out clear guidelines regarding the investment ceiling, types of securities that can be purchased, and the procedures for bidding and settlement. The measures aim to strike an optimal balance between enabling NRI participation in the Indian debt market while ensuring the stability and control over cross-border financial transactions.

Moreover, the RBI periodically revises its policies on NRI investments in response to broader economic goals and market conditions, making it imperative for investors to stay abreast of the latest regulatory updates. Recognizing the importance of the NRI segment in India's growth story, the government, through RBI, often introduces specific bonds and securities targeted at the diaspora, providing additional investment channels. Compliance with regulations is non-negotiable, so NRIs must adopt a thorough and compliant approach to benefit from their investments in government securities.

Tax Implications and Other Considerations

The tax treatment of investments through NRO accounts in government securities entails a deduction of tax at the source in India. Nonetheless, the application of DTAAs can lead to beneficial tax rates, depending on the investor's country of residence. The onus lies on the investor to provide the necessary documentation to avail of DTAA benefits. Moreover, one should closely monitor the changes in tax laws as they directly impact the net returns from these investments.

Apart from tax considerations, NRIs need to pay attention to market dynamics such as interest rate fluctuations and inflationary trends, which affect the price and yield of government securities. Although the sovereign guarantee minimizes credit risk, market risk remains an important consideration. By employing strategic timing and prudent selection of securities, NRIs might enhance their portfolio returns while managing associated risks.


Investing in Indian government securities through an NRO account offers NRIs a combination of safety, steady returns, and a means to stay financially connected with their homeland. This article has outlined the vital aspects one must consider while choosing this investment route. An informed approach coupled with a thorough understanding of India's regulatory and tax landscape can lead to fruitful investment for NRIs around the world.

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Arnav is a dedicated product leader with a passion for finance and fintech. He graduated from IIT Bombay and IIM Calcutta and heads the Product team at Vance. He has extensive experience in the financial sector, with a deep understanding of the cross-border space. In his free time, he enjoys playing the guitar, rock climbing, and training for triathlons.

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