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Maximizing Retirement with NRI Gold Investments in India

Uncover the potential of investing in gold and precious metals in India for NRIs. A guide to diverse investment strategies and tax implications.
min read
February 3, 2024

Introduction: Gold Investments for NRIs

For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), investing in gold and precious metals in India presents an appealing retirement option. Gold, deeply ingrained in Indian culture, not only symbolizes prosperity but also serves as a strategic asset for diversifying investment portfolios.

Gold Investment Avenues for NRIs

Physical Gold vs. Digital Gold

  • Physical Gold: NRIs can invest in jewelry, bars, and coins. However, physical gold comes with concerns like storage and purity.
  • Digital Gold: For a hassle-free experience, NRIs can opt for digital gold, which includes E-gold, Gold Funds, and Gold ETFs. E-gold is traded on the National Stock Exchange and represents physical gold. Gold Funds and ETFs offer exposure to gold prices without owning physical gold​​​​​​.

Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs)

  • While NRIs are not permitted to invest in new SGBs, those who invested while being Indian residents can continue holding them till maturity​​​​.

Tax Implications for NRIs

Capital Gains Tax

  • Profits from gold investments are subject to capital gains tax. Short-term gains are taxed as per the individual's tax bracket, while long-term gains (over three years) are taxed at 20.8% with indexation benefits​​​​.

Wealth Tax

  • India abolished wealth tax in 2015, so there's no wealth tax on gold investments​​.


  • TDS is deducted at 20% on long-term capital gains from gold for NRIs. However, under Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA), NRIs can claim relief if taxed in another country​​.

Benefits of Gold Investments

Inflation Hedge

  • Gold often acts as a hedge against inflation, maintaining its value over time.


  • Adding gold to an investment portfolio can reduce risk, providing stability in volatile markets.

Regulatory Compliance

FEMA Regulations

  • Investments in gold are subject to FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act) regulations. NRIs must ensure compliance with these when investing in gold in India​​.

Custom Duty and Import Regulations

Bringing Gold to India

  • NRIs can bring gold to India, subject to certain limits and custom duty requirements. Declarations and documentation are necessary to avoid penalties​​​​.

Conclusion: Strategic Investment for NRIs

Investing in gold and precious metals offers NRIs a secure and potentially lucrative option for retirement planning in India. With various investment forms available, NRIs can choose the most suitable option based on their risk appetite and investment goals. However, it's crucial to understand the tax implications and regulatory framework in India to make informed investment decisions.

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Arnav is a dedicated product leader with a passion for finance and fintech. He graduated from IIT Bombay and IIM Calcutta and heads the Product team at Vance. He has extensive experience in the financial sector, with a deep understanding of the cross-border space. In his free time, he enjoys playing the guitar, rock climbing, and training for triathlons.

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