
6 Genius Money Transfer Tips for NRIs

6 Genius Money Transfer Tips for NRIs: Secure, Quick, and Cost-Effective Strategies
min read
May 27, 2024

Sending money back home to India?

Here's how to make it easy!

Many Indians who live abroad (NRIs) send money home regularly.

Imagine this: an aunt in Mumbai doesn't quite understand technology, but she's happy when she gets a message on her phone saying money from her nephew has arrived.

Or a young businessman in Bangalore is building his dream company thanks to funds from his cousin who works in the USA. 

In this blog, we'll share 6 brilliant tips that will make sending money to India a breeze. We'll help you save money and make those transfers smooth and smart! 

1. Leverage Currency Rate Fluctuations

  • Monitor Exchange Rates: Stay informed about the foreign exchange market to take advantage of favorable shifts in exchange rates. Timing your transfers when the currency rate is advantageous can significantly increase the rupee value of your remittance.
  • Use Rate Alerts: Set up rate alerts with online currency exchange platforms. These services can notify you when exchange rates hit your desired level, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to transfer money at more profitable rates.

2. Choose the Right Transfer Service

  • Compare Transfer Fees and Speed: Not all money transfer services are created equal. Services vary in terms of transfer fees, speed, and currency exchange rates. Use online comparison tools to find the best deal that matches your needs.
  • Consider Local Banks in India: Sometimes, local Indian banks offer better exchange rates and lower fees for NRI accounts. Explore options with banks where you already hold an account for potentially favorable terms.

3. Utilize Multi-Currency Bank Accounts

  • Manage Multiple Currencies: For NRIs who deal with multiple currencies, using a multi-currency bank account can save money on exchange rates and conversion fees. This allows you to hold and manage several currencies in one account, converting them when rates are favorable.

4. Take Advantage of Tax Benefits

  • Understand Tax Implications: Transferring money internationally can have tax implications both in India and your country of residence. Understand the tax treaties between the two countries to take advantage of lower withholding taxes and avoid double taxation.
  • Consult a Tax Advisor: For precise savings and compliance, consult with a tax advisor who understands the tax laws of both countries.

5. Time Your Transfer Right

  • Exchange rates can fluctuate throughout the day, just like the ocean tides. By being patient and transferring money during off-peak hours, you might be able to catch a more favorable rate.  This can translate to extra savings on your transfer,  putting more money in the pockets of both you and your recipient.

6. Bundle Up and Save

  • Do you send money home to India regularly? If so, there's a clever way to save on fees. Many money transfer services offer discounts for frequent transfers.  Bundling your transfers together can significantly reduce the overall fees you pay over time.  Think of it as a bulk discount for your money transfers!


In conclusion, NRIs play a pivotal role in India's economy through their remittances. By applying these six tips, NRIs can ensure that their money transfers to India are done efficiently, cost-effectively, and competently. 


Q1. Can NRI transfer money from India to abroad?

Yes, NRIs can transfer money from India to abroad, subject to the regulations set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The funds in NRE accounts are fully repatriable, meaning they can be transferred back to the NRI’s country of residence without any restrictions. For NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) accounts, there are certain limits and conditions for repatriation.

Q2. What is the maximum money transfer without tax in India?

There is no specific maximum limit for money transfers without tax in India for remittance. However, any interest income generated in India from deposits or investments is subject to tax as per Indian tax laws. It’s the interest earnings and other incomes generated in India that are taxable, not the remitted amount per se.

Q3. Is money transferred from abroad to a normal Indian savings account taxable?

The principal amount transferred from abroad to a normal Indian savings account is not taxable. However, any interest earned on the money deposited in Indian savings accounts is taxable. NRIs should consider using NRE or NRO accounts to benefit from tax exemptions or to facilitate easier repatriation.

Q4. How much money can an Indian citizen transfer abroad?

Under the Reserve Bank of India's Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS), an Indian citizen can transfer up to USD 250,000 per financial year. This limit encompasses all permissible capital and current account transactions, including travel, education, medical treatment, and gifts.

Q5. What are the new RBI rules for international money transfer?

The RBI frequently updates its rules for international money transfers, mainly under its Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS). Recent updates usually revolve around the purposes for which remittances can be made, the documentation required, and the annual limit for remittances. NRIs and resident Indians should refer to the RBI's official website or consult with their banks to stay updated on the latest regulations.

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Rupali enjoys writing about everything related to money (in India and around the world). A MICA graduate in Communications, she has over seven years of experience in content creation and communication strategy for various user touchpoints, from CRM to UX for apps and websites, especially in fintech and healthcare. Outside of work, you'll find her binging on true crime documentaries or cooking up a storm.

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