
Ultimate Guide to Sending Money to India: Best Way to Transfer Funds

Discover the best ways to send money to India. Compare top remittance platforms, online transfers, and apps for safe, efficient, and cost-effective transactions
min read
February 3, 2024

Content overview :

1. Introduction: Why Remitting to India is Important

2. Traditional Bank Transfers: Benefits & Limitations

3. Online Money Transfer Services: Speed & Efficiency

4. Mobile Remittance Apps: Seamless Money Sending on the Go

5. Exchange Rates & Fees: Getting the Most for Your Money

6. Safety & Security: Protecting Your Transfers

7. Country-Specific Guidelines: Navigating Remittance Rules

8. Customer Service: Resolving Transfer Issues

9. Tips for First-time Senders: Ensuring a Smooth Process

10. Conclusion: Making Informed Decisions for Sending Money to India


India, with its rich tapestry of culture, innovation, and diverse economy, has been a prime destination for remittances for decades. But why is sending money to India so crucial?

For many Indians residing abroad, remitting money back home goes beyond just financial support. It's a bridge that connects them to their roots, ensuring the well-being of their families and contributing to their homeland's prosperity. Consider the example of Priya, a software engineer in San Francisco. Every month, she sends a portion of her earnings back to her elderly parents in Mumbai, ensuring they have a comfortable life and can afford necessary medical treatments.

Additionally, these remittances play a significant role in India's economic framework. They bolster the country's foreign exchange reserves and contribute immensely to its GDP. Furthermore, remittances have often acted as a financial cushion during economic downturns, providing stability when other revenue streams falter.

Lastly, the rise of digital technology has made the process of sending money more straightforward and instantaneous. This ease of transfer has further encouraged the diaspora to contribute actively, fostering a strong bond between NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) and their homeland. In essence, remitting to India is not just about the transaction—it's about connection, contribution, and continuity.

Traditional Bank Transfers: Benefits & Limitations

Traditional bank transfers, often referred to as wire transfers, have long been the go-to method for many when it comes to remitting money internationally. While they offer reliability, there are several facets to this mode of transaction that one needs to be aware of.


  • Reliability: Established banks have been around for centuries and have built a reputation of trust. When Ravi, a researcher in London, wanted to send funds for his sister's wedding in Delhi, he opted for his trusted bank. It gave him peace of mind knowing his money would reach safely.
  • Extensive Network: Banks generally have a vast network of branches and correspondent banks. This network ensures the recipient can receive the money in any part of the country, even in remote areas.
  • Additional Services: Along with remittance, banks often offer added services such as forex services, investment advice, and more.


  • Cost: Traditional bank transfers can be costlier. The sender might face service charges, and the recipient might incur a fee on the receiving end. For example, Ananya, a teacher in New York, realized she was paying a hefty fee every time she remitted money to her family in Pune through her bank.
  • Speed: In comparison to newer remittance services, bank transfers can be slower. It might take anywhere from a couple of days to a week for the funds to reflect in the recipient's account.
  • Exchange Rates: Banks may not always offer the most competitive exchange rates. Over time, this can result in significant losses due to currency conversion
  • Paperwork: Traditional methods often require more documentation, which can be a hassle for some, especially if they're not well-versed with the process.

In conclusion, while traditional bank transfers come with the assurance of established institutions, it's essential to weigh their advantages against the limitations. Modern remittance solutions might offer more competitive rates and faster services, but the trust and network of banks still hold appeal for many.

Online Money Transfer Services: Speed & Efficiency

The digital age has ushered in a plethora of online money transfer services that prioritise speed, efficiency, and user-friendliness. For individuals seeking to remit funds overseas, these platforms offer a compelling alternative to traditional banking methods.


  • Instant Transfers: Many online services boast of real-time transfers. For instance, Karan, a software engineer in San Francisco, uses an online service to send money to his mother in Mumbai. He's often amazed when she calls him minutes later, confirming the arrival of funds.
  • 24/7 Access: Unlike banks, which may have specific operating hours, online platforms typically allow for round-the-clock transactions, ensuring that time zones don't act as barriers.


  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Most online platforms prioritise user experience. Neha, a designer living in Sydney, appreciates the intuitive dashboard of her preferred remittance app, Vance. With just a few clicks, she can support her brother's education in Bangalore.
  • Competitive Exchange Rates: Online services often offer more competitive rates than traditional banks. Over a year, this can translate into significant savings. When Ajay, a doctor in London, compared the rates, he found he could send nearly Rs 5,000 extra INR annually via Vance app - since it offers a flat fee of GBP 3 and google rates.
  • Reduced Fees: Due to lower overhead costs and the competitive nature of the industry, many online transfer services either have minimal fees or occasionally offer promotions with zero charges. One of the most popular remittance app - Vance - offers a flat fee of GBP 3 for every remittance from the UK to India.
  • Transparency: Users can track their transfers in real-time, getting updates at every stage. This transparency is a boon for Priya, a consultant in Toronto, who likes to know when her funds will reach her NGO in Chennai.
  • Security: While the digital realm has its threats, reputable online money transfer services employ robust encryption and security measures, ensuring the safe transit of funds.

In summation, online money transfer platforms combine the best of technology with financial services, resulting in speedy and efficient transactions. As the world moves increasingly towards digital solutions, these services are poised to play a pivotal role in global remittances, bridging distances with a click.

Mobile Remittance Apps: Seamless Money Sending on the Go

The rise of mobile technology has transformed several facets of our lives, including the way we transfer money. Mobile remittance apps have emerged as a game-changer, offering unparalleled convenience and speed in sending money across borders.


  • Send Anytime, Anywhere: Imagine Ramesh, a trader in Dubai, gets a call from his son in Delhi about an unexpected school fee. Without having to rush to a bank or a physical outlet, Ramesh uses his favourite remittance app, Vance, to immediately send the required amount, even while enjoying his evening tea at a cafe.

Ease of Use

  • Simplified User Interface: Mobile apps are designed with user-friendliness in mind. Priyanka, who recently moved to New York, finds it easy to navigate her chosen app, Vance, with clear prompts guiding her to complete her transactions to Pune effortlessly.
  • One-Click Repeat Transfers: Regular senders, like Ananya in London who supports her grandmother in Bangalore, appreciate features that allow storing recipient details. This means subsequent transfers can be completed in a mere click.

Instant Notifications

  • Stay Updated: Soon after initiating a transfer, Rohit in Singapore receives a notification that his funds have reached his mother's account in Mumbai. Such real-time updates provide senders with peace of mind, ensuring them of the safe delivery of their money.


  • Google Rates and Lowest Fees: Mobile remittance apps often have partnerships and bulk buying power, allowing them to offer Google exchange rates (cheapest ever). Jai, working in San Francisco, realised he saved a lot more using the Vance app compared to his traditional bank transfers to Kolkata.

Advanced Security

  • Biometric & Multi-factor Authentication: Security is paramount. Apps like the one used by Meera in Toronto incorporate fingerprint or facial recognition, adding an extra layer of protection. Moreover, OTPs and multi-factor authentications ensure that even if a phone is lost, the money remains secure.

In conclusion, mobile remittance apps have revolutionised the money transfer process, offering a blend of speed, convenience, and security. As technology continues to evolve, these apps will undoubtedly become even more integral to the global remittance landscape, making sending money as simple as sending a text.

Exchange Rates & Fees: Getting the Most for Your Money

Navigating the world of international money transfers can be daunting. Two significant aspects that greatly impact the value of your transfer are exchange rates and associated fees. Let's demystify them with a relatable example.

Understanding Exchange Rates

  • Dynamic Nature: Exchange rates fluctuate based on several factors including geopolitical events, interest rates, and economic data. For instance, consider Neha, an IT professional in San Jose, wanting to send money to Hyderabad. She notices that the INR/USD exchange rate is more favorable in the morning than in the evening due to a significant trade deal announcement between India and the USA.
  • Locked-in Rates: Some platforms offer a rate-lock feature. Rahul, a researcher in London, uses this feature to lock in a favorable GBP/INR rate, ensuring he gets that rate when he transfers money to Mumbai two days later.

Analysing Transfer Fees

  • Fixed vs. Percentage-based: Some providers charge a fixed fee, while others take a percentage of the transfer amount. Deepika, sending money from Toronto to Chennai, opts for a fixed-fee service since she's transferring a large sum, making it more cost-effective than a percentage-based fee.
  • Hidden Fees Alert: Always read the fine print. Arjun, a student in Sydney, once used a service to send money to Pune and was surprised by an unexpected processing fee. Now, he ensures to check for any hidden costs before initiating a transfer.
  • Promotional Offers: Look out for promotions. Sanya, transferring money from New York to Jaipur, benefits from a festive offer on her platform, enjoying zero fees for her transfer.

Comparing & Saving

  • Research & Tools: Vance app provides a rate comparison tool that allows individuals like Raj, sending money from Dubai to Kolkata, to compare rates and fees across multiple services, ensuring he gets the best value.
  • Loyalty Programs: Regular remitters like Ayesha, sending money from Kuala Lumpur to Lucknow, leverage loyalty programs which offer reduced fees or better rates for frequent users.

In conclusion, being informed and vigilant about exchange rates and fees can make a significant difference in the value of your transfers. As the saying goes, "A penny saved is a penny earned." In the world of international remittances, this couldn't be truer. Always stay updated, compare before committing, and ensure you're getting the most for your money.

Safety & Security: Protecting Your Transfers

Sending money across borders can evoke a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The digital age has made money transfers quicker, but with speed comes the need for enhanced security. Let's delve into the world of safe remittances through the journey of Ananya, a young professional working in Singapore.

  • Layers of Encryption: Ananya always ensures she uses a money transfer service that encrypts her data. Encryption transforms the data into code to prevent unauthorised access. Think of it like sending a sealed letter instead of a postcard; only the recipient has the key to open and read it.
  • Two-factor Authentication (2FA): When Ananya once lost her phone, she was relieved that her money transfer app had 2FA enabled. This means even if someone got hold of her phone, they'd need a secondary verification (like an OTP sent to her email) to access the app.
  • Regulatory Oversight: Before using any service, Ananya checks if it's regulated by financial authorities. For instance, in the US, it's the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN); in the UK, it's the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). These regulators ensure that these services adhere to stringent standards.
  • Review & Feedback: Ananya doesn't just rely on ads or promotions. She diligently reads user reviews. During one such review reading, she learned about a service's quick customer support in freezing and retrieving funds when a user noticed suspicious activity.
  • Avoiding Public Wi-Fi: Once, while waiting at an airport, Ananya resisted the temptation to transfer money using public Wi-Fi. Public networks can be a playground for hackers. Instead, she waited to use her secured mobile data, ensuring an extra layer of safety.
  • Regular Updates & Monitoring: Ananya regularly updates her apps. Updated versions often come with enhanced security patches. She also monitors her transaction history frequently. This habit helped her spot a tiny unauthorised transaction once, which was quickly flagged and addressed.

In conclusion, Ananya's vigilance in ensuring the safety of her money transfers is a lesson for all. In a world where digital transactions are the norm, being proactive in understanding and applying safety measures is not just smart, but essential. As she always says, "Better safe than sorry!"

Country-Specific Guidelines: Navigating Remittance Rules

For expatriates and global professionals, remitting money back to their homeland or to other countries is a regular activity. However, the process isn't as simple as just clicking 'send'. Each country has its own set of regulations that govern international money transfers, designed to monitor and control the flow of money across borders. Understanding these guidelines is vital to ensure a seamless transfer.

Case in Point: Rahul's Remittance to India from the UAE

Rahul, a software engineer from Bangalore, relocated to Dubai for a project. After a few months, he wanted to send a part of his savings to his family in India. Rahul's journey provides valuable insights into the importance of understanding country-specific guidelines.

  • Know Your Limit: Before initiating the transfer, Rahul researched the UAE's remittance ceiling. He found out there was no specific limit, but amounts above a certain threshold required additional documentation.
  • Understanding Tax Implications: The UAE doesn't impose taxes on personal income or remittances. However, Rahul learned about the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) in India, which allows residents to freely remit up to $250,000 annually. Amounts exceeding this might attract scrutiny and need justification.
  • Reason for Transfer: When transferring the money, Rahul had to specify the purpose - maintenance of family, savings, etc. This is crucial, as certain reasons might require additional documentation in both the sending and receiving countries.
  • Banking Relationships: Rahul realised that having an account with a bank operating in both countries made the process smoother. Such banks often have a clearer understanding of remittance rules in both nations.
  • Documentation: Rahul always kept his employment contract, bank statements, and other relevant documents handy. They served as proof of his legitimate earnings and the authenticity of the transfer.
  • Local Regulations: In addition to national regulations, Rahul found out that certain emirates in the UAE had specific guidelines. Being aware of these nuances prevented last-minute hitches.

Rahul's experience underscores the importance of doing one's homework before initiating an international money transfer. It's not just about finding the best exchange rate or the lowest fee; understanding the regulatory landscape is equally crucial. As Rahul would advise, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. But first, know what the Romans do!"

Customer Service: Resolving Transfer Issues

The world of online money transfers is undeniably efficient, but like all digital avenues, it's not devoid of occasional hiccups. Whether it's a delay in transferring funds, an error in the recipient's details, or a technical glitch, swift and effective customer service becomes paramount. A good remittance service doesn't just transfer your money; it offers peace of mind.

Aman's Midnight Mishap: The 24/7 Helpline to the Rescue

Aman, residing in the US, decided to surprise his parents in India by sending them money for their anniversary. Choosing the stroke of midnight (IST) for added effect, he completed the transfer. But to his horror, he realised he'd sent the money to an old, now-defunct account of his father. Panic set in. However, the money transfer app he used - Vance - boasted of a 24/7 customer service helpline. He dialled in, and within minutes, the representative assured him the transaction would be reversed since the account was inactive. By the time dawn broke in India, the money was safely back in Aman's account.

Significance of Robust Customer Service

  • Timely Assistance: Issues don't wait for business hours. A round-the-clock helpline ensures you're never left in a lurch.
  • Expert Guidance: Trained representatives can swiftly guide users through troubleshooting steps, saving time and stress.
  • Trustworthiness: Reliable customer service builds trust, ensuring users return for future transactions.

In the vast sea of digital transactions, top-notch customer service is the lighthouse guiding distressed sailors. It's not just about sending and receiving money; it's about the assurance that, even if things go awry, there's a team ready to set things right. For users like Aman, this assurance is priceless. After all, when dealing with hard-earned money, every user deserves clarity, confidence, and care.

Tips for First-time Senders: Ensuring a Smooth Process

Venturing into the realm of online remittance for the first time can be both exhilarating and intimidating. The digital age offers speed and convenience but requires careful navigation. For novices making their maiden money transfer to India, a few vital pointers can make the journey seamless.

Meet Priya: The First-time Sender's Success Story

Priya, a recent graduate in Canada, secured her first job and wanted to send a part of her inaugural paycheck back home to India as a gesture of gratitude. With zero experience in online remittance, she treaded carefully, and her meticulous approach paid off.

Key Lessons from Priya's Experience:

  • Research Thoroughly: Priya spent time comparing various transfer services, looking into their fees, exchange rates, and reviews.
  • Verify Details: She double-checked the recipient's bank details, ensuring no room for errors.
  • Start Small: For her first transfer, Priya sent a modest amount, just to test the waters.
  • Stay Updated: She opted for SMS and WhatsApp notifications, keeping her informed about the transfer status.
  • Documentation: Priya kept digital receipts and confirmation mails, making sure she had proof of her transaction.

Quick Tips for Newbies

  • Awareness of Exchange Rate: The rate can fluctuate. Understanding this helps in choosing the optimal time for transfer.
  • Safety First: Ensure the platform has robust security measures. Look for encryption and two-factor authentication.
  • Ask Questions: Don't hesitate to reach out to customer support if in doubt.

Priya's experience was a testament to the adage, "Well begun is half done." Her initial success set the stage for many more trouble-free transfers in the future. As many embark on this digital journey, taking a leaf out of Priya's book can pave the way for a smooth and secure remittance experience. Remember, in the digital domain, being cautious doesn't mean being fearful; it means being smart.


The dynamic landscape of international money transfers has evolved dramatically over the years, offering individuals a plethora of options to send funds seamlessly across borders. But with this abundance of choice comes the responsibility to make well-informed decisions.

Raj's Enlightened Approach: A Beacon for Others

Take the story of Raj, an IT professional in the USA. When he initially began sending money to India, he was overwhelmed with the myriad of available options. However, Raj's story soon turned from confusion to clarity.

Insights from Raj’s Journey

  • Knowledge is Power: Raj took the time to educate himself on the nuances of exchange rates, ensuring he always got a favourable deal.
  • Due Diligence: He didn't merely settle for the first option that came his way. Instead, Raj explored multiple channels, weighing the pros and cons of each.
  • Embracing Technology: Raj leveraged mobile apps for quick and efficient transfers, making remittance just a tap away.
  • Feedback Matters: He often turned to reviews and testimonials from fellow NRIs, which served as a valuable guidepost.

For Raj, the crux of the matter was clear: while technology had simplified the process, it was his informed choices that made all the difference. 

Sending money to India, or any other destination for that matter, is not just a transaction. It's a blend of trust, emotion, and responsibility. In the digital age, being armed with the right knowledge and adopting a meticulous approach like Raj can ensure that every remittance not only reaches its destination promptly but also brings along peace of mind.

So, as we traverse the intricate web of global money transfers, let's vow to stay informed, stay vigilant, and always aim for a hassle-free remittance journey. After all, the right choices today pave the way for a smoother tomorrow.

FAQs related to sending money to India

Q1. What are the most popular methods to send money to India?

The most popular methods include bank transfers, online money transfer services, mobile remittance apps, and traditional wire transfers.

Q2. How do exchange rates impact the amount the recipient gets?

Exchange rates determine how much one currency is worth in another currency. If the exchange rate is favorable, the recipient might receive more rupees for each dollar sent. Conversely, unfavorable rates might reduce the amount they receive.

Q3. Are there any fees associated with international money transfers?

Yes, most services charge fees either as a flat rate or a percentage of the transfer amount. However, some services might offer fee-free transfers up to a certain limit.

Q4. How long does it typically take for the recipient in India to receive the funds?

It varies by method. Bank transfers can take 1-5 business days, while online services and mobile apps might offer instant or same-day transfers.

Q5. Is it safe to send large amounts of money to India online?

Yes, as long as you use reputable and secure transfer services that use encryption and follow regulatory standards.

Q6. How do I track the status of my money transfer?

Most online transfer services offer tracking options using a reference or transaction number. You can check the status on their website or app.

Q7. What information is required to send money to an individual in India?

Typically, you'll need the recipient's full name, their bank account details, including IFSC code, and their contact information.

Q8. Are there any limits to how much money I can send to India at one time?

Limits vary by service. While banks might have higher limits, some online services might impose daily or monthly caps.

Q9. What is the difference between using a traditional bank and an online money transfer service?

Online services often offer faster transfers, competitive exchange rates, and lower fees compared to traditional banks. However, banks might be perceived as more secure by some users.

Q10. Do mobile remittance apps offer instant transfers?

Many do, especially if transferring within their network. However, transfers to bank accounts or other services might take longer.

Q11. How are UPI & NEFT beneficial for instant transfers to India?

UPI allows for real-time transfers between banks in India, while NEFT is a popular and established method of interbank transfer, although it might not be as instantaneous as UPI.

Q12. Are there any tax implications for sending money to India?

Generally, sending money isn't taxable, but the recipient might have tax obligations if the amount is perceived as income by the Indian authorities.

Q13. How do I ensure I'm getting the best exchange rate when sending money?

Compare rates across different services before initiating a transfer, and consider setting up alerts for favorable rates.

Q14. What should I do if my transfer is delayed or doesn't go through?

Contact the customer service of the transfer service you used. They can provide details and assist in resolving the issue.

Q15. Are there any specific guidelines for NRIs sending money to India?

NRIs can send money through NRE or NRO accounts. While there are no limits on amounts, documentation might be required for larger transfers to comply with anti-money laundering regulations.

Q16. Can I schedule recurring transfers to India?

Many online services and banks allow for scheduled or recurring transfers, ensuring timely payments without manual intervention each time.

Q17. What's the advantage of using a dedicated remittance service over a regular bank?

Remittance services often offer better exchange rates, lower fees, and faster transfer times compared to traditional banks.

Q18. How do I resolve issues or discrepancies with my transfer?

Start by reaching out to the service's customer support. They should guide you through the resolution process.

Q19. Is my personal and financial information secure when using online transfer services?

Reputable transfer services use strong encryption and security measures to protect user information. Always check for reviews and ensure the platform is secure before initiating a transfer.

Q20. Are there promotional offers or discounts for regular users of remittance services?

Yes, many services offer promotional rates, discounts, or bonuses for new or regular users to encourage continued use of their platform.

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Arnav is a dedicated product leader with a passion for finance and fintech. He graduated from IIT Bombay and IIM Calcutta and heads the Product team at Vance. He has extensive experience in the financial sector, with a deep understanding of the cross-border space. In his free time, he enjoys playing the guitar, rock climbing, and training for triathlons.

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