
NRO Account: Definition, Features, Rules & Taxability

Know the full form, meaning and all the aspects related to NRO account in detail. This blog gives a detailed outlook with a complete explanation on NRO accounts
min read
February 3, 2024

Content Overview:

1. What is an NRO Account?

2. Features and Benefits of an NRO Account

3. Comparative Analysis: Regular Saving Account vs NRO Account 

4. Tax Implications for NRO Accounts

5. Procedure to Open an NRO Account

6. Best NRO Savings Account for NRIs in 2023

7. NRO Saving Account: FAQ

Global mobility has led to a significant number of Indians residing abroad. This diaspora, while enjoying opportunities overseas, often grapples with managing their financial ties to India. Enter the NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) account, a cornerstone for financial management for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). This guide aims to inform and educate about its fundamentals, benefits, and implications.

What is an NRO Account?

At its core, an NRO account is similar to a regular bank account held in India. However, its design is tailored for NRIs, facilitating them to easily deposit and manage their income earned within India. Such incomes might be in the form of rent from properties, dividends from investments, pension, or other earnings.

Key Features of an NRO Account

Currency: The account is denominated in Indian Rupees, eliminating the complexities of managing multiple currencies.

Types of NRO Accounts: NRIs have the flexibility to open this account as a savings, current, recurring, or fixed deposit account based on their financial objectives.

Joint Ownership: An NRO account can be held jointly with another NRI or even with a resident Indian. This is beneficial for those who wish to involve family members in financial management.

Repatriation: While the principal (initial deposit amount) is non-repatriable, the interest earned can be repatriated after adhering to certain conditions and tax obligations.

Taxation: Income deposited in an NRO account and the interest earned on it are subject to Indian taxation. It's essential for account holders to be aware of the tax implications, including TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) applicable on the interest earned.

Purpose and Significance of NRO Accounts: Bridging the Financial Gap for NRIs

The world today is more connected than ever, with individuals moving across borders, seeking opportunities, and setting roots in foreign lands. Yet, as they say, home is where the heart is. For many Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), despite their geographical displacement, their financial heartbeats often resonate with India. Addressing the unique needs of this global community, the Indian banking system introduced the NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) account. This article will guide you through the central purpose of NRO accounts and their significance in the lives of NRIs.

Purpose of NRO Accounts:

Indian Income Management: The foremost purpose of the NRO account is to help NRIs manage their income originating in India. Whether it's earnings from rent, dividends from investments, pension, sale proceeds, or any other local source, all such incomes can be directly deposited into the NRO account.

Payment of Local Dues: NRIs can use the funds in their NRO account to settle any financial obligations in India, such as loan repayments, utility bills, or insurance premiums.

Safety and Ease of Access: Unlike keeping money in India informally, the NRO account offers a regulated, secure environment for NRIs to manage their finances. With internet banking facilities, global access to these funds is merely a few clicks away.

Significance of NRO Accounts:

Regulatory Compliance: With rules around foreign exchange and cross-border transactions being stringent, the NRO account ensures NRIs stay compliant with the Reserve Bank of India's regulations.

Tax Management: The interest earned on NRO accounts is taxable. Having a structured account helps in better management of tax liabilities and ensures adherence to tax rules, including TDS (Tax Deducted at Source).

Facilitates Repatriation: Although there are conditions, NRIs can repatriate funds (especially the interest earned) from their NRO account to their resident country after meeting certain criteria.

Flexibility in Operations: An NRO account can be jointly operated with another NRI or a resident Indian, offering flexibility, especially when dealing with property sales or family-related finances.

Consolidation of Indian Income: Instead of having multiple channels or accounts, an NRO account serves as a singular, consolidated platform for all Indian-based earnings.

Educational Insight: Many often wonder why NRIs don't just maintain regular resident accounts for their Indian earnings. As per the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), once an individual's status changes to NRI, they are required to convert their existing resident accounts to NRO accounts to maintain transparency and regulatory compliance.

The NRO account is more than just a banking product; it's a testament to India's commitment to catering to its diaspora, ensuring they can manage their financial ties with ease, efficiency, and within the ambit of the law. It's an indispensable tool, acting as a bridge, connecting NRIs to their homeland in a financial sense.

Comparative Analysis: Regular Savings Account vs. NRO Account

When it comes to managing finances, understanding the nuances of different banking products is paramount. For Indians who have moved abroad or are planning to, their regular savings account has to be converted into the NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) account. To make an informed choice, let’s delve deep into a comparative analysis of the two.

Regular Savings Account: A fundamental banking product available to all Indian residents, designed to help individuals save, earn interest, and manage daily financial needs.

NRO Account: Tailored for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), this account allows them to deposit and manage their income earned within India, like rents, dividends, and other local sources of revenue.


While on the surface, a regular savings account and an NRO account might seem similar, their inherent purposes, features, and benefits are distinct. For NRIs, understanding these differences is crucial to optimise financial management, ensuring seamless transactions, regulatory compliance, and efficient handling of Indian-earned income.

Tax Implications for NRO Accounts

Managing finances across borders brings with it the challenges of understanding complex tax structures. One such area of interest for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) is the tax implications associated with NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) accounts. While the NRO account serves as a convenient tool for NRIs to manage their income in India, it's essential to be well-informed about the tax rules surrounding it.

Snapshot: Tax Implications for NRO Accounts


Deep Dive into NRO Account Taxation:

Interest Income Taxation:

  • All interest that accrues in an NRO account, be it from savings or fixed deposits, is taxable under Indian tax laws.
  • The default tax rate stands at 30%, but there could be additional cess and surcharge, depending on the overall income slab.

TDS – The Immediate Deduction:

  • The bank automatically deducts TDS on the interest earned. So, it's crucial for NRIs to communicate their non-residential status to their bank.
  • If the only income is the interest on which TDS is deducted, then NRIs might not have to file a tax return in India.

Double Taxation – The DTAA Shield:

  • No one likes paying taxes twice on the same income! That's where DTAA comes in.
  • By furnishing the Tax Residency Certificate and other necessary documents, NRIs can avail reduced TDS rates, ensuring they aren't taxed heavily in both their resident country and India.

Repatriation – What's Taxed & What's Not:

  • If you're moving funds out of your NRO account to an overseas account, only the interest component is taxable. The principal amount remains untouched by taxes.

Other Sources of Income:

  • Say, you've rented out your property in India. The rent goes into your NRO account. This rental income, like your interest, is also taxable. The same rule applies to other incomes like dividends.

Income Tax Returns – When is it Necessary?

If the total taxable income (from all sources combined) exceeds the permissible limit for tax exemption, filing an income tax return becomes mandatory, even if TDS has been deducted.

Taxation might seem daunting, especially when dealing with cross-border finances. However, a solid understanding, aided by the above breakdown, can simplify matters. As always, collaborating with a tax consultant familiar with NRI taxation can offer personalised advice and strategies. The goal? Make the most of your NRO account while staying compliant with Indian tax regulations.

Procedure to Open an NRO Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Opening an NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) account is a prudent decision for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) looking to manage their Indian income. This account allows you to seamlessly manage your rupee funds, ensuring safety and flexibility. Let's explore the procedure to open this pivotal account.

Steps to Open an NRO Account

1. Choose a Bank: Before you dive in, research and choose a bank that aligns with your needs. Look for factors such as services offered, digital banking capabilities, interest rates, and customer feedback. Banks like Yes Bank, in collaboration with platforms like Vance, have made the process extremely user-friendly and efficient for NRIs.

2. Account Type: Determine whether you want to open an NRO savings account or an NRO fixed deposit based on your financial needs.

3. Application Form:

  • Obtain the NRO account application form from the bank’s official website or nearest branch.
  • Fill in the required details: Personal information, Indian and overseas addresses, and other requisite information.

4. Documentation: Compile the necessary documents. Here’s a basic list:


5. Attestation & Notarization: Before submitting the documents, get them attested by the Indian embassy or a notary in your current country of residence. This step adds credibility to your documentation.

6. Submitting the Application:

  • If you're applying online: Scan and upload the application form and the necessary documents.
  • If you're applying through a branch: Submit the application form and the original/certified documents at the nearest bank branch or representative office in your resident country.

7. Account Verification: The bank will verify your details and documents. This might include background checks to ensure the authenticity of your application.

8. Account Activation: Once everything checks out, the bank will activate your account. You'll receive an account number, a cheque book, and internet banking credentials either via mail or email, depending on your chosen communication method.

Opening an NRO account, although seemingly a detailed process, becomes straightforward when broken down step-by-step. With platforms like Vance partnering with reliable banks such as Yes Bank, the process is further streamlined, making it easier than ever for NRIs to maintain their financial foothold in India. As always, it's a good practice to stay updated with any changes in the documentation or procedure to ensure a hassle-free experience.

Understanding NRO Interest Rates

For many NRIs (Non-Resident Indians), the NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) account is a trusted way to handle finances back home in India. One standout feature of these accounts is the interest they earn. But what determines these rates, and why do they matter? Let’s take a simple dive into NRO interest rates.

What Exactly is an NRO Interest Rate?

In basic terms, an NRO account, like your usual savings account, earns interest. The difference lies in how much interest you get, and that varies from one bank to another. This rate can also change over time due to several factors.

Why Do These Rates Change?

  • RBI’s Decisions: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) sets certain rates (like the Repo rate) which can impact bank interest rates.
  • Bank’s Performance: A bank in a strong position might give better interest to attract more people.
  • Economic Health: Things like inflation or how well India's economy is doing can influence interest rates.
  • Type of Deposit: Fixed deposits, based on their duration, might have different interest rates.

Best NRO Savings Account for NRIs in 2023


Note: For the latest rates, pop over to the bank's website or drop them a call.


Q1. What does NRO stand for?

NRO stands for Non-Resident Ordinary.

Q2. Who can open an NRO account?

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) can open an NRO account.

Q3. What is the main purpose of an NRO account?

An NRO account allows NRIs to manage and save their income earned in India, like rent, dividends, or pension.

Q4. Can an NRO account be jointly held with a resident Indian?

Yes, an NRO account can be jointly held with a resident Indian or another NRI.

Q5. How does the interest on an NRO account get taxed?

Interest earned on NRO accounts is subject to TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) as per the prevailing income tax rates in India.

Q6. Is the money in NRO account repatriable?

Principal amounts in NRO accounts are not freely repatriable. However, interest earned and certain current incomes can be repatriated, subject to conditions.

Q7. Can I convert my regular savings account to an NRO account when I become an NRI?

Yes, upon obtaining NRI status, you should inform your bank and convert your regular savings account to an NRO account.

Q8. What is the difference between an NRE and NRO account?

An NRE (Non-Resident External) account is for parking foreign income in India and is fully repatriable. In contrast, an NRO account is for managing income earned in India.

Q9. How are NRO account interest rates determined?

NRO account interest rates are set by individual banks, influenced by factors like RBI policies, the bank's financial health, and overall economic conditions.

Q10. Can I avail loans against my NRO account?

Yes, certain banks allow NRIs to avail loans against their NRO account deposits.

Q11. Can I appoint a mandate holder for my NRO account?

Yes, banks allow NRIs to appoint a mandate holder to operate the NRO account in their absence.

Q12. How can I fund my NRO account?

You can fund your NRO account through income earned in India, transfers from other NRO accounts, or remittances from abroad.

Q13. What happens to my NRO account if I return to India permanently?

Your NRO account should be re-designated to a resident account upon your return to India.

Q14. What is the maturity period for NRO fixed deposits?

Banks offer various maturity periods for NRO fixed deposits, ranging from a few days to several years.

Q15. How safe is the money in my NRO account?

Funds in your NRO account are protected by the same regulations that safeguard resident accounts, and deposits up to a certain limit are insured by the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC).

Q16. Are there any restrictions on the number of NRO accounts I can hold?

No, there is no restriction on the number of NRO accounts an NRI can hold.

Q17. Can I transfer money from an NRO to an NRE account?

Yes, but it's subject to taxation and RBI regulations.

Q18. Do I need to maintain a minimum balance in my NRO account?

Most banks require a minimum monthly average balance to be maintained in an NRO account, which can vary from one bank to another.

Q19. What happens if I don't pay tax on my NRO account interest?

If tax isn't deducted or paid on interest earned, it may attract penalties and legal consequences as per the Income Tax Act.

Q20. How do I check the interest rates for NRO accounts in different banks?

Interest rates can be checked on the respective bank's official website or by contacting the bank's customer care.

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Aayush is a strategic growth marketer with over 6 years of experience working in the US and European markets for various financial services companies. He has a proven track record of success in helping businesses grow, increase revenue, and improve marketing strategies.

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