
Non PIS Accounts for NRIs: Basics & Benefits Explained

Your Guide to Non-PIS Accounts: Benefits and Features for NRIs.
min read
February 7, 2024

Content overview:

1. What is a Non-PIS Account?

2. What is the Definition of a Non-PIS Account?

3. How Does a Non-PIS Account Work?

4. What are the Advantages of PIS?

5. Real-life Examples of Non-PIS Account Operations

6. Difference Between NRE & NRO Non-PIS Accounts 

7. Common Misconceptions & Clarifications about Non-PIS

8. Key Takeaways

9. Conclusion

10. Vance plug 

11. FAQs

The world of banking can be confusing, especially if you live abroad (Non-Resident Indian). This blog post is here to help! We're going to talk about a type of account called a Non-PIS account.

It's an option for NRIs who want to invest in the Indian stock market, but don't want to deal with the traditional Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). We'll break down what Non-PIS accounts are and why they might be a good fit for you.

What is a Non-PIS Account?

NRIs have many investment options in India, and one that's gaining popularity is the Non-PIS account. Traditionally, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) controlled NRI stock market investments through the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS). Every NRI transaction was monitored under PIS to ensure it followed RBI limits.

However, NRI needs have evolved. The Non-PIS account allows NRIs to invest in Indian company shares or convertible debentures without the strict PIS framework. It's an investment route that bypasses the need for constant RBI approval. 

In simpler terms, it offers more freedom and flexibility for NRIs looking to invest in the Indian stock market.

What are the Advantages of non-PIS?

1. Removal of PIS Restrictions:

Non-PIS accounts liberate NRIs from the PIS's strict investment ceilings, facilitating diversified investments.

Example: Mr. Rahul, an NRI, was previously limited by PIS caps. With a Non-PIS account, he can diversify his investments beyond these thresholds.

2. Investment Decision Flexibility:

Non-PIS accounts allow NRIs to invest in Indian company shares or convertible debentures without RBI approval, enabling swift capitalisation on market opportunities.

Example: Mrs. Priya, an NRI in Canada, can invest in a high-potential tech company in India seamlessly, without regulatory delays, using her Non-PIS account.

3. Simplified Repatriation:

Non-PIS accounts streamline the process of remitting funds abroad for NRIs, bypassing the complicated guidelines of PIS.

Example: Mr. Patel, an NRI in Australia, can repatriate funds for his daughter's education easily through his Non-PIS account, avoiding PIS-related paperwork and hurdles.

4. Consolidation of Indian Income:

Non-PIS accounts aid NRIs in managing and consolidating Indian income such as rental earnings, dividends, or pensions.

Example: Ms. Neha, an NRI in the USA, channels all her Indian earnings through her Non-PIS account, simplifying income tracking and management.

Real-life Examples of Non-PIS Account Operations

Scenario A: Immediate Investment Decisions

Before: Mr. Rajan, an NRI based in the USA, identifies a promising stock in the Indian market. However, under the PIS framework, he would have to navigate a maze of regulatory approvals before he could finalize his investment. This delay might cause him to miss out on an optimal buying price.

With Non-PIS: Spotting the same stock, Rajan can now make an immediate investment decision without waiting for approvals. The stock is quickly added to his portfolio at the price he deems best.

Scenario B: Diverse Portfolio Construction

Before: Mrs. Anita, an NRI from the UK, has always been keen on diversifying her Indian portfolio. However, the PIS constraints meant she could only hold a certain amount or percentage of a particular stock, limiting her diversification options.

With Non-PIS: Anita can now expand her portfolio horizon. She isn’t bound by stringent caps on how much she can invest in one entity, allowing her to craft a more diversified and balanced portfolio.

Scenario C: Simplified Sale Proceeds

Before: On selling a particular stock, the proceeds Mr. Ishaan receives would go to his PIS account. For reinvestment, he would need to route these funds back through the PIS, which might involve additional paperwork and time.

With Non-PIS: When Ishaan sells off a part of his portfolio, the proceeds directly come to his

Non-PIS account. Reinvestment becomes a streamlined process, devoid of any cumbersome rerouting or additional documentation.

Essentially, the Non-PIS account is a symbol of financial freedom for the NRI community. By removing bureaucratic hurdles it fosters a smoother, more efficient investment journey in the heart of the Indian economic landscape.

Difference Between NRE and NRO Non-PIS Accounts

When it comes to managing finances as an NRI, two essential banking avenues often come into play: the Non-Resident External (NRE) and Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) accounts. Let's compare NRE Non-PIS and NRO Non-PIS accounts side by side:


Non-PIS Account Myths Busted

  • Myth: Non-PIS accounts are not safe for NRIs.

Clarification: Non-PIS accounts are regulated by Indian authorities and follow KYC (Know Your Customer) norms, ensuring security.

  • Myth: NRIs can't invest in all types of Indian stocks with a Non-PIS account.

Clarification: NRIs have freedom to invest in most shares and convertible debentures of Indian companies with a Non-PIS account.

  • Myth:  Non-PIS accounts come with complex tax regulations.

Clarification: While tax implications exist for NRI investments, Non-PIS accounts don't introduce additional complexities compared to PIS accounts.  Tax rules are still applicable.


In conclusion, Non-PIS accounts provide significant benefits and flexibility for NRIs managing their Indian income and investments. Understanding the unique features of NRE and NRO Non-PIS accounts—such as tax implications, repatriation limits, and income origins—enables NRIs to make informed financial decisions.

Non-PIS accounts simplify the repatriation process, offer investment flexibility, and consolidate Indian income, making them a valuable tool for NRIs navigating their financial journey. By understanding Non-PIS accounts and clearing up any confusion, NRIs can make informed decisions and get the most out of these powerful financial tools.

FAQs about Non-PIS Accounts

Q1: What is a Non-PIS account for NRIs?

A Non-PIS account is an NRI bank account that allows NRIs to manage and hold income earned in India, such as rental earnings, dividends, or pension payments.

Q2: How is a Non-PIS account different from a PIS account?

Non-PIS accounts are meant for managing Indian income, while PIS accounts are designed for NRIs to invest in the Indian stock market.

Q3: Can I invest in Indian stocks through a Non-PIS account?

No, Non-PIS accounts are not for stock market investments. PIS accounts are used for stock market investments.

Q4: What is the repatriation limit for Non-PIS accounts?

The repatriation limit for Non-PIS accounts is USD 1 million per financial year, after considering taxes and other applicable regulations.

Q5: Is the interest earned in a Non-PIS account taxable?

Yes, the interest earned in a Non-PIS account is taxable and subject to Tax Deducted at Source (TDS).

Q6: Can I repatriate the entire balance from my Non-PIS account?

No, you can repatriate up to USD 1 million per financial year from your Non-PIS account, subject to applicable regulations.

Q7: Can I transfer funds between my Non-PIS and PIS accounts?

Yes, you can transfer funds between your Non-PIS and PIS accounts, subject to compliance with RBI guidelines.

Q8: Are Non-PIS accounts suitable for beginners in investing?

Yes, Non-PIS accounts are user-friendly and suitable for both beginners and experienced investors.

Q9: Can I hold foreign currency in a Non-PIS account?

No, Non-PIS accounts are meant to hold and manage income earned in India, and they do not support foreign currency deposits.

Q10: Is it mandatory for NRIs to have a Non-PIS account?

No, it is not mandatory for NRIs to have a Non-PIS account. They can choose to open one based on their income sources and investment preferences.

Q11: Can I use a Non-PIS account for business transactions?

No, Non-PIS accounts are meant for personal income management and cannot be used for business transactions.

Q12: Are Non-PIS accounts available in multiple currencies?

No, Non-PIS accounts are typically denominated in Indian Rupees (INR).

Q13: Can I use my Non-PIS account for receiving foreign remittances?

No, Non-PIS accounts are not suitable for receiving foreign remittances. They are for managing Indian income.

Q14: What are the benefits of using a Non-PIS account over a PIS account?

Non-PIS accounts offer more flexibility in managing Indian income and easier repatriation options compared to PIS accounts.

Q15: Do I need RBI approval to open a Non-PIS account?

No, you do not need RBI approval to open a Non-PIS account. You can open one with the assistance of a bank.

Q16:Can I open a joint Non-PIS account with a resident Indian?

No, Non-PIS accounts can only be opened by NRIs, and joint accounts with resident Indians are not allowed.

Q17: Can I invest in mutual funds through a Non-PIS account?

No, mutual fund investments are not permitted through Non-PIS accounts. PIS accounts are used for investing in mutual funds.

Q18: Is there any minimum balance requirement for Non-PIS accounts?

The minimum balance requirement for Non-PIS accounts varies from bank to bank. You need to check with your bank for specific details.

Q19: Can I repatriate my rental income through a Non-PIS account?

Yes, you can repatriate rental income earned in India through your Non-PIS account, subject to the USD 1 million repatriation limit.

Q20: Is there any difference between Non-PIS NRE and Non-PIS NRO accounts?

Yes, Non-PIS NRE accounts are for holding foreign income, while Non-PIS NRO accounts are for managing Indian income. The tax treatment and repatriation rules are different for each type.

Q21: What is a PIS account?

A PIS account, or Portfolio Investment Scheme account, allows Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to invest in the Indian stock market under the monitoring and guidelines set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The PIS full form is Portfolio Investment Scheme.

Q22: How does the PIS account for NRI work?

The PIS account for NRI enables NRIs to purchase and sell shares and convertible debentures of Indian companies. Transactions through the PIS account are regulated by the RBI to ensure they adhere to the portfolio investment scheme guidelines.

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Aayush is a strategic growth marketer with over 6 years of experience working in the US and European markets for various financial services companies. He has a proven track record of success in helping businesses grow, increase revenue, and improve marketing strategies.

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