
Gold Investment for NRIs: Investment Options, Buying Process, Taxation & More

Discover NRI gold investment process, from gold mutual funds to physical gold, and gain insights into gold taxation for NRIs
min read
February 3, 2024

Content overview :

1. Introduction to Gold Investment for NRIs

2. Physical Gold vs. E-Gold: What's Best for NRIs?

3. Gold Mutual Funds: A Smart Choice for NRIs?

4. The Process of Buying Gold as an NRI

5. Tax Implications for NRIs Investing in Gold

6. Top gold mutual funds for NRIs in 2023

7. Conclusion: Gold as a Strategic Asset for NRIs.

8. FAQs on Gold for NRIs

Introduction to Gold Investment for NRIs

Gold, often referred to as the 'yellow metal', has been a cherished investment avenue for centuries. Its allure isn't just limited to its shimmering beauty but extends to its intrinsic value, making it a preferred choice for investors worldwide. For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), investing in gold presents a unique opportunity to combine cultural affinity with financial prudence.

Historically, Indians have had a profound relationship with gold. It's not just an investment but a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Festivals like Diwali and Akshaya Tritiya see a surge in gold purchases, emphasising its cultural significance. For NRIs, this bond with gold often remains intact, even when miles away from home.

But beyond the emotional connection, gold serves as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations. Its value tends to rise when economies face downturns, making it a safe haven in turbulent times. This characteristic is particularly appealing to NRIs, who often grapple with currency exchange rates and seek stable investment platforms.

For instance, consider Raj, an NRI based in the USA. He notices that when the dollar strengthens against the rupee, the value of his investments in India diminishes when converted to dollars. By investing in gold in India, he can offset some of these currency-induced losses, as the rising gold prices often counterbalance the adverse currency movements.

Moreover, with the Indian government's initiatives to formalize gold trading and introduce gold-linked financial products, the avenues for NRIs to invest in gold have expanded. They aren't limited to physical gold anymore. E-gold, gold mutual funds, and gold ETFs offer more liquid and hassle-free investment options.

In conclusion, for NRIs, gold isn't just a piece of jewelry or a cultural symbol. It's a strategic asset, offering both emotional satisfaction and financial security. As we delve deeper into this guide, we'll explore the various ways NRIs can invest in gold, the benefits of each, and the crucial factors to consider before making a decision.

Physical Gold vs. E-Gold: What's Best for NRIs?

Gold, in its tangible form, has been treasured for millennia, not just for its radiant beauty but also as a store of value. However, with the advent of technology and financial innovations, gold has taken on new, digital avatars, making it more accessible and convenient for investors, including NRIs. One such digital form is E-Gold. But how does it stack up against traditional physical gold? Let's dive in.

Physical Gold: The Timeless Treasure

Physical gold, whether in the form of jewelry, coins, or bars, has a tactile value. It's something you can see, touch, and feel, giving a sense of security and wealth.


1. Tangibility: You possess a real asset, which can be seen and touched.

2. Cultural Significance: In India, gold jewelry holds cultural and sentimental value, often passed down generations as heirlooms.

3. No Reliance on Technology: You don’t need an internet connection or a digital platform to buy or sell.


1. Storage Issues: Safeguarding physical gold requires lockers or safes, which come with additional costs.

2. Purity Concerns: Unless certified, the purity of gold can be questionable.

3. Making Charges: When buying jewelry, making charges can add to the cost.

E-Gold: The Digital Dynamo

E-Gold allows investors to buy gold electronically. It's like owning physical gold but without the hassles of storage or concerns about purity.


1. Ease of Transaction: Buy or sell gold online, anytime, anywhere.

2. Safety: No worries about theft or loss.

3. Purity Guaranteed: E-Gold is backed by physical gold of 99.9% purity.

4. Fractional Ownership: You can invest in small amounts, even for just a gram of gold.


1. Lacks Tangibility: Some investors miss the feel of owning physical gold.

2. Dependence on Technology: Requires internet access and digital platforms.

3. Charges: There might be nominal charges for platform usage or annual maintenance.

Consider Arjun, an NRI in Dubai. He prefers E-Gold because it aligns with his digital lifestyle. He enjoys the flexibility of investing any amount and the assurance of high purity.

So, What's Best for NRIs?

The choice between physical gold and E-Gold boils down to individual preferences and objectives. If you value tradition, tangibility, and cultural significance, physical gold might appeal more. However, if you prioritise convenience, safety, and flexibility, E-Gold could be your golden ticket.

In the dynamic world of investments, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons and make informed decisions. Whether it's the gleam of a gold necklace or the glow of digits on a screen, ensure your gold investment shines bright in your portfolio.

Gold Mutual Funds: A Smart Choice for NRIs?

Gold has always been a cherished asset in India, symbolising wealth and prosperity. For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), investing in gold isn't just about preserving cultural ties but also diversifying their investment portfolios. While physical gold and E-Gold have their merits, Gold Mutual Funds (GMFs) have emerged as a compelling option for NRIs. Let's delve into the world of GMFs and discern if they truly are a golden opportunity for NRIs.

Understanding Gold Mutual Funds: Gold Mutual Funds invest in gold bullion or gold-producing companies. Instead of buying physical gold, investors buy units of the fund, which represents gold's market value. These funds aim to replicate the performance of gold, offering a liquid and hassle-free way to invest in this precious metal.

Why NRIs are Considering GMFs

  • Diversification: GMFs provide an excellent way to diversify an investment portfolio. Gold often moves inversely to stocks, acting as a hedge against market volatility.
  • Liquidity: Unlike physical gold, GMFs can be easily bought or sold, offering high liquidity.
  • No Storage Woes: With GMFs, there's no need for safe lockers or insurance, eliminating storage concerns.
  • Professional Management: GMFs are managed by expert fund managers who make informed decisions based on market analysis.

According to the World Gold Council, the demand for gold-backed ETFs (a close cousin of GMFs) surged globally in 2020, with inflows increasing by 120% compared to the previous year. This trend indicates a growing preference for paper gold investments over physical gold.

Rahul, an NRI based in the USA, wanted to invest in gold but was wary of the storage and purity issues associated with physical gold. After researching, he opted for a Gold Mutual Fund. Not only did this eliminate his concerns, but he also benefited from professional fund management, ensuring his investment was in expert hands.

Tax Implications for NRIs

It's crucial for NRIs to understand the tax implications of their investments. In India, GMFs are treated as non-equity investments. Short-term capital gains (if sold before three years) are added to the income and taxed as per the individual's tax slab. Long-term capital gains (if sold after three years) are taxed at 20% with indexation benefits.

Gold Mutual Funds offer a modern twist to the age-old affinity for gold, especially for NRIs who seek a blend of tradition and convenience. While they present numerous advantages, it's essential to assess individual financial goals, risk appetite, and market conditions before diving in. After all, every investment, just like every gold ornament, should be chosen with care and thought.

The Process of Buying Gold as an NRI

Gold, often referred to as the 'yellow metal', has been an integral part of Indian culture and tradition. For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), the allure of gold isn't just rooted in its cultural significance but also its potential as a stable investment. If you're an NRI looking to invest in gold in India, understanding the buying process is crucial. Let's navigate the golden path together.

1. Decide the Type of Gold Investment: Before diving in, NRIs must decide the type of gold investment they're interested in:

- Physical Gold: This includes jewelry, coins, and bars.

- Digital Gold: Offered by certain apps and platforms, it allows you to buy gold digitally.

- Gold Mutual Funds & ETFs: These are financial instruments that track the price of gold.

2. Understand the Regulatory Framework: NRIs can invest in gold in India without any special approvals. However, they should be aware of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) guidelines. For instance, while NRIs can bring gold into India, there are certain duty charges applicable if the gold exceeds the permissible limit.

3. Choosing the Right Platform/Outlet

- For Physical Gold: NRIs can purchase from reputed jewelers. Always ask for a purity certificate.

- For Digital Gold: Platforms like Paytm, PhonePe, and certain banks offer digital gold purchase options.

- For Gold Mutual Funds & ETFs: NRIs can invest through their NRE/NRO accounts using platforms like Zerodha, HDFC securities, etc.

Meera, an NRI based in London, wanted to buy gold for her daughter's wedding in India. Instead of buying jewelry in the UK and then transporting it to India, she chose to buy digital gold through an Indian app. This not only ensured the purity of gold but also saved her from the hassle of transportation and customs duty.

4. Payment Methods

NRIs can make payments through their NRE (Non-Residential External) or NRO (Non-Residential Ordinary) accounts. Credit cards or international debit cards can also be used, but it's essential to be aware of transaction charges.

5. Repatriation of Gold

If NRIs wish to take gold out of India, they should be aware of the customs regulations of both India and the country they reside in. For instance, if an NRI wishes to take gold jewelry to the USA, they need to declare it if its value exceeds $10,000.

6. Selling Gold

Selling gold in India is straightforward. For physical gold, you can approach jewelers or gold resale companies. For digital gold or gold mutual funds, the selling process is facilitated through the platform or bank where you made the purchase.

Tax Implications for NRIs Investing in Gold

Gold has always been a favored investment avenue for many, and for NRIs, it holds both sentimental and financial value. However, when it comes to taxation, the rules can be a tad complex. Let's delve into the tax implications for NRIs investing in gold in India.

1. Capital Gains Tax on Gold:

When NRIs sell gold, they are liable to pay capital gains tax on the profit earned from the sale.

- Short-term Capital Gains: If the gold is sold within three years of purchase, the profit is considered as short-term capital gain. This gain is added to the NRI's total income and taxed as per the individual's tax slab rate.

- Long-term Capital Gains: If gold is held for more than three years before selling, the profit is considered as long-term capital gain. This is taxed at a rate of 20.8% (including cess) with indexation benefits.

Example: Ravi, an NRI, bought gold worth INR 5 lakhs in 2018 and sold it for INR 8 lakhs in 2022. The profit of INR 3 lakhs is considered a long-term capital gain, and Ravi will be taxed at 20.8% after considering indexation benefits.

2. Tax on Gold Mutual Funds & ETFs:

The tax treatment for gold mutual funds and ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) is similar to physical gold for NRIs. Short-term capital gains are added to the total income, while long-term gains are taxed at 20.8% with indexation.

3. Wealth Tax:

India abolished the wealth tax in 2015. Hence, NRIs do not have to pay any wealth tax on gold investments in India.

4. TDS (Tax Deducted at Source):

For NRIs, TDS is deducted at the rate of 20% on long-term capital gains from gold. It's essential to note that the actual tax liability might be lower after considering indexation, so NRIs can claim a refund while filing their tax returns.

5. Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA):

India has DTAAs with several countries to ensure that NRIs aren't taxed twice on the same income. If an NRI has paid tax on capital gains in another country, they can claim relief under DTAA, ensuring they aren't taxed again in India.

6. Tax Exemptions:

Section 54F of the Income Tax Act provides an exemption on long-term capital gains from the sale of gold if the proceeds are invested in residential property. However, certain conditions need to be met.

Top gold mutual funds for NRIs in 2023


Disclaimer: The data provided is based on the most recent statistics available and is intended for informational purposes only. Before making any investment decisions, it is advisable to consult with a certified financial advisor. Past performance does not guarantee future results, and the value of investments can go up as well as down. Always conduct thorough research and consider individual financial circumstances and risk appetite.

Conclusion: Gold as a Strategic Asset for NRIs

Gold, often referred to as the 'yellow metal', has been an integral part of Indian culture and heritage. For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), gold is not just a symbol of prosperity and wealth but also a strategic asset that offers a hedge against inflation, currency fluctuations, and economic uncertainties.

Diversification of Portfolio

One of the primary reasons why gold stands out as a strategic asset for NRIs is its ability to diversify an investment portfolio. Unlike equities and bonds, gold often moves counter to the direction of the stock market. This inverse relationship provides a cushion against market volatility.

Hedge Against Inflation and Currency Depreciation

Gold acts as a store of value. As inflation erodes the purchasing power of a currency, gold prices tend to rise, ensuring that the investor's wealth is preserved. For NRIs, especially those planning to return to India, investing in gold can act as a shield against rupee depreciation.

Tangible Asset with Emotional Connect

For many NRIs, buying gold is not just a financial decision but also an emotional one. Whether it's for a family wedding, a festival, or as a gift, gold holds sentimental value. Its tangibility provides a sense of security that paper investments might not offer.

Liquidity and Global Acceptance

Gold is universally accepted and can be easily liquidated anywhere in the world. This global acceptance ensures that NRIs have the flexibility to sell or pledge their gold assets whenever required, irrespective of their geographical location.

Future Growth Potential

With the global economic landscape undergoing significant changes, the demand for gold, both as an investment and as a luxury commodity, is expected to rise. This demand, coupled with limited supply, indicates a positive growth trajectory for gold prices in the future.

For NRIs, gold is more than just a shiny metal; it's a strategic asset that offers financial stability, growth potential, and emotional satisfaction. As global uncertainties continue to loom, the allure of gold as a safe haven is likely to shine brighter. Whether as coins, bars, jewellery, or digital gold, the yellow metal remains a timeless and invaluable asset for NRIs across the globe.

FAQs on Gold Investment for NRIs

Q1. Can NRIs invest in gold in India?

Yes, NRIs can invest in gold in India through various means like physical gold, gold mutual funds, and digital gold.

Q2. Is there a limit to how much gold NRIs can purchase in India?

There's no specific limit on the quantity, but the source of funds and taxation rules must be adhered to.

Q3. How can NRIs bring gold to their resident country?

NRIs can bring gold to their resident country, but they must adhere to the customs and duty regulations of that country.

Q4. Are gold investments taxable for NRIs?

Yes, gold investments are subject to capital gains tax, depending on the holding period.

Q5. Can NRIs invest in Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs)?

No, as of current regulations, NRIs are not allowed to invest in SGBs.

Q6. What's the difference between physical gold and e-gold?

Physical gold is tangible, like jewellery or coins, while e-gold is a digital representation of physical gold.

Q7. How safe is it for NRIs to invest in digital gold?

Digital gold investment is generally safe, backed by physical gold, and offered by reputable platforms or banks.

Q8. Can NRIs repatriate the proceeds from their gold investments?

Yes, but there are certain conditions and limits to consider based on the source of investment funds.

Q9. Do NRIs need a special account to invest in gold in India?

No, they can use their NRE or NRO accounts for gold investments.

Q10. How do gold mutual funds work for NRIs?

Gold mutual funds invest in gold-producing companies or gold bullion, offering a way for NRIs to invest in gold without holding it physically.

Q11. Are there any restrictions on selling gold for NRIs in India?

No, NRIs can sell gold in India, but they must consider the tax implications.

Q12. Is it better for NRIs to invest in gold jewellery or gold coins?

It depends on the purpose. Jewellery can have making charges, while coins are more straightforward for investment purposes.

Q13. How are gold prices determined in India?

Gold prices are influenced by international prices, currency fluctuations, demand and supply, and local taxes.

Q14. Can NRIs invest in gold ETFs in India?

Yes, NRIs can invest in gold ETFs through their NRE or NRO accounts.

Q15. What is the tenure for gold deposits for NRIs?

The tenure can range from 1 to 5 years, depending on the scheme and bank.

Q16. How is the purity of gold ensured when NRIs invest in digital gold?

Reputable platforms ensure the gold's purity, often backed by 24K gold with 99.9% purity.

Q17. Are there any charges associated with storing physical gold for NRIs?

Yes, if stored in bank lockers, there are annual charges. Digital gold might have minimal storage fees.

Q18. Can NRIs transfer their gold investments to another person?

Physical gold can be gifted or sold. Digital gold or gold mutual funds can be transferred based on platform/bank policies.

Q19. What happens to the gold investments of an NRI upon their demise?

The gold investments will be part of their estate and will be distributed as per their will or Indian succession laws.

Q20. Is gold a good long-term investment for NRIs?

Gold is considered a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainties, making it a favoured long-term investment. However, individual financial goals and market conditions should be considered.

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Tejas is an accomplished Chartered Accountant with a passion for finance. With a decade's worth of extensive experience in the banking and credit domain, he has a deep understanding of the financial landscape across consulting and start-ups. In his time away from work, Tejas enjoys sharing his knowledge and helping others understand the intricacies of this complex domain.

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